Wow Pip this story hits so close to home having recently sat with my elderly Mom as she passed. Another interesting synchronicity is that as a young adult I worked in an Italian restaurant where the chef was a very boisterous guy who would swear loudly in Italian. No one would talk back to him except me (nicely because he was my boss!) so he called me Tiger because of that! I understand Tiger Eyes and the need to dig deep.

Thank you so much for sharing my work with your readers, your support means a great deal to me❤

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Heartwarming words Pipp, and I am so relieved to hear you’ve at least had some rain, although I dare say it’s far from that which is needed… I wish I could say the same here… wetsuit and flippers are ordered!

I hope you’re well, I hope your book is beginning to be seen too…

Have a wonderful Easter break, have you a house full? ♥️xx

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